Our People Power

Eigg has been proudly owned and managed by the hard-working folk who live here since the community buyout of 1997.

Empowered by community ownership we work towards a better future for the Eigich.  

  • We cracked it: the story of the buyout
  • Survival spirit: we are resilient and resourceful, innovative, and creative on a daily basis. This is how we ‘survive’ and thrive 
  • Community regeneration: we are a growing island community, we look after each other, we are doing this together
  • Dùthchas: we look after this land and – in the spirit of our ancient forebears – we have a duty of care for everything that’s part of it
  • Better connected: far from remote, we are at the centre of forward-looking initiatives looking at sustainability and land reform. We are welcoming, connected, real.

Fàilte. You’re welcome.