The Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust is the charity which owns the Isle of Eigg. It manages and stewards the island’s development for current and future residents.
The Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust was established to provide and create opportunity for economic development, housing and infrastructure, whilst conserving our natural and cultural heritage to ensure that development takes place in a sustainable way. The Trust has been successful in these aims, with Eigg now a vibrant and attractive place to live and work, having a growing and forward-thinking population, always with an eye on the past and one to the future, recognising the importance of Eigg’s unique identity to its continuing growth and success.
The Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust is a company limited by guarantee and a registered Scottish charity. The Trust is a partnership of its three members, The Isle of Eigg Residents’ Association, The Highland Council and The Scottish Wildlife Trust. Each member organisation appoints directors to the board of the Trust. The Isle of Eigg Residents’ Association has four directors who are elected by the community. The Highland Council and The Scottish Wildlife Trust appoint one director each. The Trust has an independent Chairperson.
The main board holds quarterly meetings, while the day to day management is devolved to island directors, who meet on a monthly basis. The Trust is supported by a part-time employed Secretary.
The Boards of IEHT and its trading subsidiaries commit to the principles of Fair Work for all its employees and volunteers. This includes commitment to paying a Real Living Wage for all employees and ensuring we promote a culture of respect, openness, belonging and effective voice conditions (individual and collective) for all our staff, Board and volunteers. This statement has been agreed jointly by the employer and a worker representative.
The Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland No. 170339 and is a recognised Scottish Charity No. SCO25609
Registered Office: An Laimhrig. Isle of Eigg. PH42 4RL
Secretary: Maggie Fyffe
Chair: Ailsa Raeburn
Click here for the Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust Memorandum and Articles (constitution)
The Isle of Eigg Heritage Trust has three subsidiary companies
Eigg Trading Limited owns and manages An Laimhrig which houses the island shop and post office, cafe bar, craft shop, trust office, waiting area and toilet /shower facilities. Eigg Trading have recently improved and extended An Laimhrig, doubling the building’s footprint and adding new facilities including showers, a laundry, business units and hot desking spaces.
Eigg Trading run Eigg Camping Pods, providing warm and simple accommodation next to An Laimhrig and the ferry pier, and the island’s community wood fuel company, providing affordable wood to Eigg’s homes and businesses.
Eigg Electric was set up to build and manage the islands’ electricity grid. On Friday 1st February 2008, Eigg Electric switched on the new island wide high voltage distribution network allowing power generated from renewable energy sources around the island to be supplied to all residents. Electricity is supplied by a mixture of small scale renewables ~ 4 wind turbines, 1 large and 2 smaller hydros and a solar PV array. The grid has a diesel back up generator for when renewable generation is low; it is used infrequently. On average, 95% of Eigg’s electricity is generated renewably. Find out more about Eigg Electric here.
Eigg Construction Limited was set up to undertake renovation works on the Trust’s properties. To date Eigg Construction has completed 5 total house renovations plus 2 further house improvement/insulation projects. It also carries out infrastructure projects & other small scale repairs. It employs a number of local subcontractors on an as and when basis.